Monday, October 23, 2006

Michael always loves to fight with his sister, me. If today was the exception seen he was my partner for the school dance. The school dance was the traditional sweet hearts dance my ex John and I won we were the dream couple of all high school after the deaf of john there was a myth that I was pregnant.

Michael is nice and so clumsy one day he burn his butt with my ex boyfriend, Johns cigarette .I wanted to light his butt with a litter after today’s supper. Seen he drops his soup inside his shirt it was the only one we thought he look grate in. So we went to his room and I open the closet well he was taking a bath I saw he most beautiful shirt, it was a pink one I pull it out as always Michael said "You should let me wear what ever”. I answers "I what you to look grate”. Michael said "that why john died because of you try to bus him around” As always he mansions my ex john how died in a car accident near a gasoline station a year ago when his was near 18 years old we he died ,that made me feel sad john was the only one how loved me. So I answer “Michael just try it on” he answers “okay but if I don’t like it I will tacked off “I light my cigarette just when he dropped his shirt.

He told me he could buy another shirt .So I stared thinking about john the day he died we stared thinking what we want in life both decided that we were going to merry in a year from that day. We made planes for every thing we were going to do that day so at this hour will be all both will be allowed. Now I here thinking why did he had died why didn’t I died instead of him. So I ran to the kitchen with the wedding dress john gave to me I got the knife for cutting meet and I sucked in my chest. I meet john in heaven.

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